Ludwigs Fundus
In the context of the Stadtgarten, the Alter Zoll and the banks of the Rhine, a unique, atmospheric cultural venue is to be created by means of an independent, striking architectural intervention - this is not a classic exhibition house, but a new typology that allows a wide variety of users to experience Beethoven's multifaceted work. Professional musicians and composers, academics, guests of international renown, interested visitors, true Beethoven connoisseurs and the protagonists of tomorrow will come together in an inspiring place of exchange.
"To understand Beethoven's music, you first have to understand him as a person." (Rudolf Buchbinder) I developed the concept of the exhibition with this idea in mind. Two intertwined circular movements form the exhibition space. This allows both parts of the exhibition to follow the same timeline. Both parts are connected by vertical 'sound channels'. Each sound channel plays a symphony by Beethoven that is characteristic of the period. This triggers a learning effect, as the knowledge of him as a person about his music is linked to the knowledge of his work. Based on this spiral, the entire structure (including the seminar, library, store and café) develops into a seemingly endless cycle around the actual centerpiece: the presentation hall. Despite all the movement within the body, the building radiates the calmness to the outside world that is expected of a place of art and skill. Rail systems and acoustic curtains provide spatial separation for various occasions. Care was taken during the design process to ensure that the flow of movement was not disrupted. When moving through the building, one encounters an interplay of different room heights and widths, an up and down and a change of perspective between inside and outside. This is reinforced by the use of contrasting materials and the architectural design. The design is based on the offer to walk the entire spiral. However, there is always the possibility of taking shortcuts and creating visual references.