Due to the climate change, humans have to face more and more irregular weather changes: Raining season, drought, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. Sudden heavy rain and flood is especially dramatic for the inhabitants of the Schunteraue, an area in Braunschweig, Germany. This district is surrounded by many rivers. The flat terrain with many fields and former swampy earth is especially susceptible for flood.
Schunteraue in the year 2060:
The site is at the border between a low-density housing district and forest and field. Already in former times, the land was used as a flood area for a river called Oker. Imagining a catastrophic future with multiple floods throughout the years, the building is acting as a flood research centre and shelter in emergency situations. The building is an amphibious building which transforms itself once the water level rises. The Water is activating a mechanism that changes the structure and therefore the use of the building. During high water levels sleeping rooms, eating a community spaces are getting activated. Once the water level is falling again, these spaces get transformed into laboratories, seminar rooms and storage. This project was created in collaboration with Julia Metzger.